Ghost 1.0 Hidden Souls

All in all, Ghost 1.0 of Unepic is a fun platform title that most gamers can enjoy. However, the Unepic game still frustrates people on occasions and the difficulty of finding hidden souls is a prime example. In case you don’t know, the developers expect you to figure out the locations of the hidden souls using the few clues that lie around. Well, if the quest for Ghost 1.0 hidden souls makes you want to pull your hair out, this article could be of use to you. 

Hidden Souls In Ghost 1.0: Compilation 

As you progress in the game, you are expected to unlock hidden souls amongst other goals. Every time you open the map, you may see some of them completed rooms diplaying a question mark and the label “hidden soul”. That means there are hidden souls you haven’t unlocked.

There are many rooms on the spaceship Nakamura and each of the rooms has requirements that you must meet to reach the hidden souls. The spacecraft has different compartments, including center zone, greenhouse, labs, chunker and geeks. Each area has many rooms, but the ones listed here are in the center zone (not to worry, though, the idea is similar for the other regions). Each room is coded with a letter and alphabet, for example, A3.

  • For rooms B5 and B11, you have to jump to a specific location in the room to release the hidden souls.
  • For room B6, you have to touch the panel in the room.
  • For rooms B7, E9, F1, H6, H8, H14, I10, J6, J12, J15, M12, N11, N12, you need to head to specific locations in the room, but at the same time, you have to be in ghost Mode
  • For room B8, you must walk to a specific location in the room.
  • For room B9,  destroy the laser to unlock the hidden souls
  • For rooms D12, E7, H10, all you have to do is survive the alarm when it goes off
  • For rooms C5, G6, L9, and L15, you are required to destroy the wall by the right. 
  • For rooms D3, D9, G14, and L14, you have to destroy the wall on the left. 
  • For room C12, you must use the lift thrice.
  • For rooms D4, D6, E3, J11, and K12, you must touch the alarm console after the alarm phase.
  • For room D5, you need to gain control of the droid.
  • For room D7, you have to descend using the elevator.
  • For rooms E11 and F10, you must double jump to a specific platform to unlock it.
  • For rooms F2, F15, and J8, you have to destroy the ceiling.
  • For rooms F2 and F3, you are required to unlock a door.
  • For room F4, destroy the turret without destroying the neutral droids.
  • For rooms F6 and F14, you will unlock the souls by entering ghost mode.
  • For room F7 and H15, you are required to control any of the neutral droids in the room.
  • For room F8, double-jump to the ceiling above the alarm console.
  • For room F9, you are required to do two things. Firstly, open the gold card and blast the door.
  • For room F11, destroy enemies very quickly in less than 5 secs.
  • For room F16, you only need to open the map to unlock the soul.
  • For room H5 and J10, you have to exit the room through the pipe room door to unlock the hidden souls.
  • For room H7, wiggle from left to right in quick succession.
  • For room H11, locate the droid at the bottom right, control it and destroy all the other droids in the room.
  • For room I16, control the big droid and destroy the turret by the side of the room.
  • For room J7, all you have to do is walk to the left side of the room as a ghost.
  • For room J9, destroy the mines in the room.
  • For room K9, destroy all the droids in the room except the big one.
  • For room K15, simply crouch for 5 secs to unlock the souls.
  • For room L8, you have to break the crate at the top right corner of the room.
  • For room L12, locate and open the green card, then blast the door.
  • For room L13, Defeat boss to unlock the souls.

You will also encounter rooms like I8, which cannot be unlocked at a lower difficulty level. This happens because the features that need to be unlocked do not exist at the easy level. In this particular case, the droid and mine that need to be destroyed for the souls to be unlocked are not present in the easy mode. (alprazolam)

What Is The Plot Of Ghost 1.0

Ghost 1.0 features the story of a special agent who possesses the ability to become a ghost. The agent is taxed with the assignment to steal an electronic secret from a space station. To achieve this, he must battle many enemies and unlock several milestones. If you are looking for a game where you can shoot continuously without needing to refill, you probably should give Ghost 1.0 a go.

Is Ghost 1.0 Difficult To Play?

Ghost 1.0 offers players a total of three difficulty levels.

  • Easy- The least challenging suitable for beginners
  • Medium-  Moderately tricky and ideal for most players
  • Hard- The highest level of difficulty for avid gamers.

How Do Founding Items Work In Ghost 1.0?

When you launch this game within three days of purchase, you will receive some in-game rewards called founding items. After three days, it will not be available anymore. 

Is The Design Of Levels Of Ghost 1.0 Randomly Generated Or Consistent?

Ghost 1.0 uses a consistent level design and a story you have to explore as you go along from start to finish.

Does Ghost 1.0 Have A Multiplayer Feature?

No, Ghost 1.0 is a single-player game at the moment.

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